
MARDI GRAS The holiday I chose is Mardi Gras. It takes place in lusiana, Nueva Orleans, Alabama and San Luis. It is celebrated every Tuesday before the ashes Wednesday. It comes from the French. It also means carnaval Tuesday. Doring the day, all the culinary and human pleasures are held. Everything happened back in the times when he French lived in lousiana. But in 1743   it began to celebrate with normality. That is why the police forbade it many times. But always celebrated. This celebration consists of a parade of chariots that represents all those culinary and human pleasures. It is customary to wear necklaces, masks and disfrases. Usually these necklaces and masks are always the same colors. Which are the green faith, the purple justice and the golden power.  •They had to change many times the route of the floats because some roads were too small for some floats.  •It is common for women to teach the chest to collect necklaces.  •However it is forbidden that any p